Faline Schneiderman
Vice President and Principal Investigator

Faline Schneiderman
Vice President and Principal Investigator

Faline Schneiderman: Historical Perspectives, Inc.B.A., Anthropology and Business Administration,
State University of New York
M.A., Anthropology, University of Connecticut

First as a Project Director and then as Vice President, Ms. Schneiderman has served in a supervisory capacity with HPI since 1987. She meets the professional qualifications of the National Park Service’s 36CFR 61 and is certified by the Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA). Primary Author or Project Director for numerous cultural resource assessments in New York City and the metropolitan New York area, she has also undertaken extensive primary research, report writing, and agency communication. Her experience includes completing Environmental Impact Studies, Field Investigations, and Cultural Resource Assessments for numerous projects in New York and Connecticut.

In addition to her work with HPI, Ms. Schneiderman served on the New Fairfield Zoning Commission from 1996 through 2010, six years acting as Chairperson, and is a founding member of the New Fairfield Historic Properties Commission. She also serves on the board of Preserve New Fairfield, Inc., currently as President, serves on the board of the Candlewood Valley Regional Land Trust, currently as Vice President, and is actively involved in local historic preservation efforts.

Projects of interest include

  • MTA Second Avenue Subway EIS, New York, NY
  • NYCDEP New Croton Aqueduct Inspection and Repair, Jerome Park Reservoir and Gate House Restoration, Croton Water Treatment Plant, Westchester, Bronx, and Manhattan, NY
  • Extension/Hudson Yards Rezoning and Development Program DGEIS, New York, NY
  • 126th Street Bus Depot Archaeological Assessment, Manhattan, NY
  • Remington Rand Facility Documentation, Middletown, CT
  • Fort Hill Native American Burial Ground Monitoring and Recovery, New Milford, CT
  • Minnewaska State Park Master Plan, Ulster County, NY
  • ConnDOT U.S. Route 7 Bypass, Brookfield, Danbury, and Wilton, CT
  • Georgetown Wire Mill Mixed-Use Development, Redding, CT
  • Crotona Park East Bronx, Data Recovery (cemetery removal and relocation)
  • MTA Penn Station Access Phase IA Archaeological Assessment
  • NYC Department of City Planning, East Midtown Rezoning EIS
  • Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery Right of Way Green Infrastructure: Brooklyn and Queens
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